Knife HTB Writeup — In Short

Dheeraj Deshmukh
3 min readAug 12, 2024


image from hack the box


Namp port scan

Nmap version detection



Versions not seems to be vulnerable

Enumerate Port Port 80

On analyzing source code of this page we get nothing special .

Dirsearch :

Didn’t get anything useful /index.php/login again redirect us to the index page .

Gobuster :-

Didnt get any directory with the wordlist 2.3 medium

Whatweb :-

We get vrsion of apache which is not vulnerable and version of php

Let search for the version of the php 8.1.0-dev

We get one exploit

Copy the exploit and place it into python file and run it

Command sucessfully run on this

nc is available use rev shell to get connection

netcat rm shell works on it

Get shell of james user which is not a tty convert it into tty

get user flag

Now we have to root this machine use sudo -l to know sudo permissions available.

Knife is available on running this we get lots of command to ru but the most attracted command it exec whic means it may execute something .

Search on google for this .

We can run ruby file with this command , So it means we can run this ruby script with sudo privileges. let search for the ruby shell.

Download this and change the LHOST AND LPORT inside the script and placed this shell on the target using python server

Now grab the reverse shell at given port

Finally we get a root user.

